Hey, I wanted to remind you that you don’t have to be one thing. Not in your personal or professional life. And that flow is better than struggling for that perfect balance.

I had so many conversations with students this week at #APTACSM who, in their first two years of school were open and excited about everything. But now that reality is coming feel that they have to pick. They have to be one thing. They have to fit that PT box. They have to do that next “right” thing. I wanted to remind you that you don’t have to fit into anyone’s box and that maybe your box doesn’t exist yet. And, I want to empower you to make your own box. Even better, there is no such thing as the box.
That’s what living at #topofscope is and does for you.
I’m on my way BACK to Boston this morning. And I’m nervous. I’m beginning a new part of my journey as an adjunct faculty member for Tufts Boston in their Neuro track.

Being a Neuro PT is a little part of who I am.
Being a teacher is a little part of who I am.
Being an ED PT is a little part of who I am.
Being a speaker is a little part of who I am.
Being an author is a little part of who I am.
Being a black belt is a little part of who I am.
Being a wife and mom is a HUGE part of who I am.

You’re not a one thing. Don’t settle. Keep building you and break out of the box.

I’m 16 years into this career and am still evolving. You have the skills. You have the guts. You are a life long learner. Keep learning about yourself and know you aren’t one thing.
The most difficult person you’ll ever lead is yourself. As my teenage son would say. Trust.
As I continue to spill out of “the box” and find my fit(s), I’m so excited to watch you do the same. Can’t wait to watch your journey flow to you. We’re still becoming.
Onward, with courage and possibilities.

-Rebekah Griffith, The ED DPT