Dr. Rebekah Griffith, The ED DPT, specializes in care in the Emergency Department. Dr. Griffith believes physical therapist practice in the Emergency Department is a critical way to move upstream in healthcare that supports patients during their most critical moments. Dr. Griffith has been an invited lecturer, regular presenter, podcast guest, & article contributor on this topic. She is the author of Top of Scope: The Emergency Department Physical Therapist Handbook. Additionally, she was instrumental in passing two motions within the APTA House of Delegates in support of Emergency Physical Therapist practice and is a founding member of the Emergency PT Steering Committee within the Academy of Acute Care. The ED DPT will prepare you to successfully practice in the Emergency Department so that patients have access to the right provider at a critical moment in their healthcare journey. We are here to make Emergency Department Physical Therapy well-known & well-practiced.


To make Emergency Department Physical Therapy 

well-known & well-practiced.


Physical therapy should not be a luxury. Physical therapists are integral members of the multi-disciplinary healthcare team who add tremendous value to patient and hospital success in the Emergency Department by increasing outcomes and access.

"A physical therapist in the ED is part of a multidisciplinary team working alongside physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, occupational therapists, paramedics, EMTs, social workers, case managers, behavioral health providers, and more."

– Rebekah Griffith PT, DPT